Explanation of the NorCal FTC Qualifier Tournament (QT) Team Registration

Updated for 2015


Each season, before the end of early October,  we expect to have published the list of confirmed qualifier tournaments.  Generally, these will be on home page as well as you can look at Home -> Season Info -> 2015
Each qualifier will have between 12 and 16 teams per field with some qualifiers having 2 fields.  We like to plan on each team getting on average 2.5 “tournament plays”.     The QT will be marked if it is a 2 field event and gets twice the number of advancing slots.

How do you register for a QT in NorCal?

Each “registraiton wave”, there is a new opportunity to register.  

When registration open, a “clickable” YELLOW box will show up on the front right side of the norcalftc.org page titled something like,  “Register for a Qualifier”.   Click that box if your team is in NorCal and you are in the right registration window for your team.   


Our system gives preference to teams that have had the least amount of playing time.


  More information about the Registration Waves

IMPORTANT – your team needs to pay attention to the article with the QTs listed and any update on the registration windows will be sent out to the yahoogroup:

Registration Windows and QT hosts/sites from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Here are the advancement details from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.

