Saratoga Qualifier
Team Rankings

RankTeam #Team NameQPRPHighestMatches
111311 Paramon102931655
27316Iron Panthers94332135
39614 Hyperion83411385
411201 Piedmont Pioneer83241385
511039 Innov8rz83032135
64475 Purple Reign73891385
75773 Ink & Metal72671335
86982 Metal Magicians64562745
1011101 Team STEAM63611435
1212009 Terminal Ferocity63441295
1413050 SharkBytes62981915
1510150 Black Pearl62211295
168404 Quixiler43651455
1713117? Installation Sigma42811295
189578 Purple Pi42691095
1910434 Negative Kelvin42591125
2010148Flying Dutchman42091115
218804 TeknoForce32771435
236148 Orange Pi Robotics2310805
2413223 LimeLoops22531215
2510320 FaZe Robotix21841035
264345Royal Fortune13761095
2713220The Architechs12811045
2813221 Gophor Robotics1204785

QP (Total Qualification Points) - 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.

RP (Total Ranking Points) - Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance's score in each match.

Highest (Highest Match Score) - The highest match score awarded to the team.

Matches Played does not include surrogate matches.

FTC Scoring Software © 2017-2018 FIRST®
Team Rankings generated at 11/19/17 05:25:20 PM