Below is the advancement status for each tournament as of 01/29/18.

The table represents the advancement criteria as listed in section 7.4 of Part 1 of the FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manual.

All host teams are assumed to have advanced prior to the start of any Qualifying Tournament. Host team advancement is dependent upon the successful completion of a tournament that meets FIRST Tech Challenge and NorCal FTC standards.

For the 2017 season, we are planning on hosting 56 teams at the NorCal FTC Championship.  There were 19 qualifying tournament equivalents currently scheduled (16 tournaments, with 3 being 2-field events … 16 + 3 = 19).  56/19 = 2.9 teams per QT.

Based on this, there will be a minimum of 2 teams per single-field event and a minimum of 4 per 2-field event.

Advancing Teams are marked with a Star Icon.  Teams that have previously advanced (including host teams) are marked with a Padlock Icon.  Teams that are currently the next advancing team from the tournament are marked with a Checkmark Icon.  Teams that advanced based on later tournaments are marked with Info Icon Teams that are ineligible to advance based on having already competed 3 times are marked with a red X.

We will hold a lottery of the tournaments with the next eligible team, based on the advancement order, from the tournaments drawn advancing to the NorCal FTC Regional Championship. (i.e. each tournament will get one token in the lottery.  We will draw an ordered list of tournaments from the lottery pool and work from start to finish, filling the NorCal FTC Championship with the next eligible team from each tournament in turn).  With the current number qualifying tournaments, we are anticipating that 18 of the 19 tournaments will be selected via the tournament advancements lottery.

The first pass lottery draw was: Napa, Saratoga, Google, Santa Clara, Folsom #1, Roseville, Daly City, Walnut Creek, Burlingame, Carmichael, Cisco, Redwood City, Folsom #2, Fresno, The Play Space #2, The Play Space #1.  The second pass for the dual field tournaments was: Santa Clara, Saratoga, Daly City

Criteria Redwood City Folsom #1 Saratoga (2x) Google The Play Space #1 Burlingame The Play Space #2 Fresno Santa Clara (2x) Carmichael Folsom #2 Roseville Walnut Creek Cisco Daly City (2x) Napa
1) Host Team 4475 6357 7390 na na 7316 11689 na 8872 7464 10320 8625 4998 9014 3791 12009
2) Inspire Award, Winner 7390 4216 8865 8375 9657 5220 7303 13356 8367 6436 11898 13216 9914 8872 7854 12635
3) Winning Alliance, Captain 7390 4216 7316 7854 11920 12635 13230 13356 11575 6436 10761 8367 10794 8375 11039 5220
4) Inspire Award, 2nd 9784 8367 7316 8872 12224 12635 11898 6148 8381 4950 12105 10320 12869 7464 11039 10148
5) Winning Alliance, 1st pick 6165 10794 13230 11575 10163 5220 13345 12027 12635 4950 3791 5214 12869 6165 7316 12635
6) Inspire Award, 3rd 6165 11574 (decline - adv via NV) 8404 2891 (decline) 12869 11201 4950 5773 12635 8577 6949 6357 6982 12224 11689 9784
7) Winning Alliance, 2nd pick na na 13345 na na na na na 11311% na na na na na 11311 na
8) Think Award 11689 8367 10148 11575 12224 8381 13230 13807 11039 11466 9675 14053 12869 12224 8404 10148
9) Finalist Alliance, Captain 9784 12684 11039 7641 12869 11201 7303 13807 11039 13274 11363 14053 13296 10163 13345 9784
10) Connect Award 9914 7303 8404 2891 3873 8404 11898 5773 5220 11898 12684 10320 6148 7464 11689 9784
11) Finalist Alliance, 1st pick 9914 7303 8865 8872 13356 13162 10761 4157 10794 11466 11898 6357 12962 12684 9614 13162
12) Innovate Award 9784 10794 7316 8872 12869 9784 7464 12027 10794 13274 5214 5214 10794 8375 7316 4345
13) Finalist Alliance, 2nd pick na na 12009 na na na na na 5206 na na na na na 11689 na
14) Design Award 13219 12684 11039 7854 13356 12635 4950 6148 8381 4950 6949 8367 4943 7641 7390 5220
15) Motivate Award 13215 11574 13050 7593 6357 11201 10761 5211 9014 8577 12105 13221 11232 10163 7593 4475
16) Control Award 6165 na 6982 7641 na 11201 7303 na 7175 na 3470 na na 6165 5206 na
17) Highest Ranked (winning) 9914 669
18) Think Award, 2nd 9784 4216 8375
19) Highest Ranked (finalist) 13162
20) Connect Award, 2nd 7390 11574
21) Highest Ranked (winning) 13219
22) Innovate Award, 2nd 13219 4216
23) Highest Ranked (finalist) 5214
24) Design Award, 2nd 7390 4216
25) Highest Ranked (winning) 13216
26) Motivate Award, 2nd 11869 7303
27) Highest Ranked (finalist) 13218
See Game Manual Part 1